Monday 22 August 2011

Long time, no posts.

I completely forgot about this blog untill someone reminded me of it the other day.
Alot has changed since my last post.
For a start, OC was deleted.
Another one was made though, so everything's ok.
I'm currently having a vote in OC as to wether I should start it back up again.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Yet ANOTHER deleter -.-'

I'm getting bored now.
They've been alot of blogs recently, hate blogs I mean  but I didn't blog about it because I'm lazy and hate blogs mean nothing x] They;re just dumb. But now there's a deleter account again. List on presentation-
The username is Oc.deleter. and a link the his/her page is >here<
So, who do you think it is? xD
I have no idea, and frankly, I couldn't care less.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Don't worry, it's about not OC.
It's for stardoll. No one can make another OC blog ¬_¬ x]]

It run my Megan(?)[Awesome_Megz] And Georgia[MissCuteAs1999]. (Pictures to the right x])


Interviewing Saturday 9thApril.

It's that time again, and I know I've missed like 4 weeks, but idc. Because it's here now.

1. When did you first come to OC? How long ago was it? 
i can't really remember.
2.What was your first impression of OC?
i thought it was a fun place, but sometimes people got a little too serious about things.
3. What's your best memory of OC?
i'm not actually too sure.. x]
 4.What's your worst memory of OC?
probably when everybody was scared about 4chan.
5. Do you prefer OC to the other clubs? 
If so, why?
If not, which club is your favourite?
well no club has the perviness that OC does.
6.If you could save ONE OC'er from a burning building, who would it be?
i don't know how to answer that one.. so
Thankyou -I-eat-cookies-

Sunday 10 April 2011

I'm SO sorry.

I know, i know, I'm constantly apoligising about not posting on this blog, and you need to know, I do try. But I'm really busy and have been busy with school over the last few weeks,
How ever, I don't have a good enough excuse for why I haven't been doing interviewing Saturday, I have Holly's(I-eat-cookies-(SP?)) interview ready to put up, but I've been having to swap computers alot aswell, so yeah D:
I'll do interviewing Saturday in a while, I need to move some files around, and change my bookmarks etc. x]

Sunday 20 March 2011


Oh dear.
Another deleter. We're scared -.-'
Here's the list and I'll do a screen shot of the account in a min xD
Ellie_Jellie (Reported 7 times)
RACHE9L9 ( Reported 6 times)
Talease (R 6 times)
Shelleybaby (0 yet )
Saphoire109 (10)
Taraxxxx (5)
DaddysGirl (Some wierd Numbers)
VampireCovergirl (9)
Twinklestar442 (14)
I_Eat_Cookies (4)
TreeKisser... (19)
donutsofdoom (0)

I'm top of the list ;o Idk what I've done to this girl x'D
But I'm not scared, she's probably bluffing anyways.

That's her. I'll try to update as much as possible, not like anyone checks this blog:// But yeah, anyways, here's the topic if you want- Clickedy Click Here ;3

Interviewing Saturday #4/5? postponed.

Sorry, i've mailed the next person and they haven't reponded yet, so bear with me, I know I've been late for the last few weeks, but I'm busy :/ x'D